About Us

I'm Veronica the founder of OpenEndedToyscom. I'm a mother of two girls that inspire me everyday. Before becoming a mother, I worked in the legal field for years and attended UCLA for my BA. I also worked in a preschool setting and as a mentor for young children in low income communities.  Once I had children, I knew I wanted to be home with my girls. As a stay at home mom, I learned that I had a passion for children's play and the importance of it. I'm a huge fan of open-ended play and process art for kids.


I turned my home into a playful envorment to help foster independence and imagination. I eventually decided to start a YouTube channel that I ran for a few years: NaturalAmericanBaby where I was able to share my play ideas with other parents. Now I am having so much fun creating sensory kits for my kids and yours. 



You can follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/naturalamericanbaby/?hl=en